We spoke to Michelle Casey, copywriter and founder of Words with Impact, about launching her own copywriting business following lockdown.


How would you describe your business in one sentence? 

I help businesses with their messaging or their ‘words’. Taking what they want to say and write it in a style and tone that will appeal to customers. I write for websites, blog posts, articles, newsletters, printed materials… everything really!


When did you launch and who is behind it? 

I (Michelle Casey) launched the business in January 2022.


When did your ‘lightbulb happen’?

I have been writing copy for websites and print as part of my job for years but always wanted to work for myself – lockdown gave me the chance to think about how this would work and what I needed to do and make this happen.


What did you do prior to starting your business?

I have been in various sales and marketing roles within travel, mainly working in the hotel and accommodation space.


What inspired you to launch the business when you did?

The pandemic struck. I worked for a consultancy whose client base was hotels and we almost lost them overnight as travel was so badly impacted by lockdowns. Redundancy was looming and I had toyed with working for myself for some time, so this was the ideal opportunity to look to do something for myself.


What was the most challenging aspect of setting up your business?

Understanding the accounting rules and doing the ‘first’ of everything. The first contract, the first invoice, the first proposal. There are plenty of resources online but still, there are always some nerves that you are going to get it wrong until you get the first one under your belt.


If you had the opportunity to do it all again, what would you do differently?

I would have done it sooner!


What three tips would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs?

  1. No time is the perfect time to start. Don’t be reckless but don’t wait for everything to be perfect either.
  2. If you are working on your own as I am, think seriously about how you will manage without a team. Some people love it. I find I miss the interaction of an office or even just a team to bounce off, so I plan breaks where I meet up with a friend for a walk or a coffee and am looking at some shared office space.
  3. Carefully work out your day rate. You may find that your day rate may not equate to the salary you anticipated at first as you are only paid for days worked. Sounds obvious but with no holiday pay, no sick pay, no pay for time spent marketing or working on developing your business, your day rate needs to take this into account. There are plenty of resources online to guide you as to how to calculate your day rate.

Finish this sentence…

I like being based in Wandsworth because of the diverse and buzzing community, easy access to London, but still with a strong sense of community!


How can people find you?


Facebook @wordswithimpactcopywriting

Twitter @wordsimpactMC

LinkedIn Michelle Casey

Or contact me at michelle@wordswithimpact.co.uk