We’re thrilled to announce Wellbeing Week for Positively Putney. Through the week 18th – 24th May we’ll have experts discussing ways to help your wellbeing whilst you work from home & cope working in lockdown, plus physical & mindful sessions for BID members to help reduce stress, increase engagement & activity.
Wellbeing is a combination of looking after your mental health & your physical health & body. It’s the experience of health, happiness & prosperity literally ‘well-being’ is feeling all rounded well. However for many people it’s hard to increase your wellbeing without knowing how, and in the current crisis it’s been even harder to keep working on wellbeing during times of immense stress & worry. So we’ve teamed up with various experts as well as businesses in Putney who promote wellbeing to bring you tips and skills you can use immediately in your lives now & ongoing, which can help you improve your wellbeing & others.
We want everyone to be able to interact & participate in these sessions, therefore if you’re working, furloughed, a resident working from home in Putney or anyone based in Putney who wants to join in socially please do!
We hope this week helps people to think more on their own wellbeing as well as their colleagues, family and friends’ wellbeing.
Here is a link from NHS that offers advice for your mental wellbeing during #stayathome
More information, including individual events and booking available here.