When did you launch your business, and who is behind it?

I launched Time Specialist in 1970, with significant support from my father during its start-up.


Tell us a bit about your heritage – where do you originate from, and when did your family come to the UK?

My family originally hails from India and moved to Kenya in 1939. I was born there in 1949 and relocated to the UK in February 1968.


Does entrepreneurship run in your family?

Yes, my father was a watch repairer, and all three of my brothers are in the same field. One of my brothers has owned a successful business in Ilford for over 20 years.


What inspired you to launch the business when you did?

I wanted to create my own business that offered quality service while pursuing my passion for watch and clock repair, which I learned from my father.


What have been three of the most challenging aspects of running the business?

  1. Managing the running costs of the business.
  2. Providing prompt customer service.
  3. Committing to the market stall every day, even in winter!



If you had the opportunity to do it all again, what would you do differently?

I would leave everything as it is; I’m satisfied with how things have turned out.


What three tips would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs?

  1. Have determination.
  2. Practice patience.
  3. Commit to getting the job done.


Finish this sentence: I like being based in Wandsworth because…

I have been repairing watches and clocks for my customers for over five decades, and my clients here are kind and supportive.


How can people find you?

Come and visit us at Broadway Market in Tooting!