Well Kneaded
Lance and Bridget Callaghan – Married for 11 years, with two children.
Describe your business in one sentence.
Well Kneaded serves up regeneratively sourced, delicious food. Every meal we serve is part of a bigger mission—creating pathways into hospitality employment for young adults facing barriers to work.
When did you launch, and who is behind it?
We launched in 2011, founded by husband-and-wife team Bridget and Laurence Callaghan, along with our great friend Bryony Lewis.
What inspired you to start a business together as a couple?
The business was a response to a need we saw when Bridget was working with young people and young adults on the Winstanley estate in Battersea. They struggled to access work, they loved pizza, and we loved pizza—so the Well Kneaded Pizza truck was born out of this crossover!
How has working together strengthened your relationship?
It has forced us to communicate differently—mostly for the better! But it’s always a work in progress. Running a business together has highlighted how we communicate and encouraged us to improve. We’ve learned when to prioritise work and when to set it aside for family life.
Share a memorable moment from your journey as business owners.
Getting the keys to our Earlsfield site was an incredible moment—walking around for the first time, knowing we could make it into a ‘Well Kneaded’ home. Winning various awards for sustainability and enterprise over the years has also been a huge encouragement.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a couple in business?
- Having all our financial eggs in one basket has been incredibly stressful at times.
- Sometimes, we forget to book formal “work” meetings with each other and assume we’re on the same page. We’re learning to be more intentional about that.
How do you balance running a business with maintaining your personal relationship?
We make sure to take time away together each year and plan fun activities in the evenings. With two young kids, we also rely on a very proactive granny to help with childcare so we can have time together.
What lessons have you learned from running a business as a team?
- We have to show each other a lot of grace and patience!
- We’re Christians and part of a wider church community at St Michael’s Southfields, which has provided us with incredible support. We’ve learned to be honest and vulnerable with our community when things are tough, rather than just “carrying on.”
If you could start again, what would you do differently?
So many things! We’d have a more strategic plan in place from the start, raise investment earlier, and probably gain more experience by working in another restaurant first.
What are three tips you’d give to aspiring entrepreneurs?
- Invest in a business mentor.
- Invest in training.
- Get hands-on experience in your field before launching a business.
Finish this sentence: I like being based in Wandsworth because…
It really encourages and supports businesses and has a beautifully diverse community.
How can people connect with you or find out more about your business?
Well Kneaded, 414 Garratt Lane, SW18 4HW
Or you can support our employment scheme through our charity NOURISH through sponsoring a young adult through our training programme.