Supply Wandsworth is a strategic localised procurement programme, delivered by London Borough of Wandsworth which aims to ensure that businesses, community/voluntary organisations withing the borough have the access to information and can bid / tender for local public or private sector contracts.
To become supplier ready, businesses must take numerous steps to ensure they are in the best position to win tender contracts, this ranges from presenting their business policies or confirming that they have the right insurances in place. The Supply Wandsworth Questionnaire has been created in partnership with London based training organisation Branduin and Wandsworth Public Health, it has been designed to understand the needs of business that are seeking to be supplier ready, the information gathered within this questionnaire will form the basis of the Supply Wandsworth training, learning and support programme that will offer practical solutions and tools on how to source, bid and potential win future contracts.
We invite you to share and comment, ensuring that businesses are offered the right support needed to grow and win new opportunities.
For further information regarding Supply Wandsworth or to request a paper copy please contact us on or 07977 818 142.