Wandsworth Council in partnership with The Scratch Hub, Battersea Arts Centre are marking Plastic Free July this year and are running event for local businesses focussed on plastic reduction.
The event will be exploring:
- “Why is reducing plastic important?”
- “What will be the benefit of becoming plastic free for my business, and the environment?”
We will be sharing top tips, ideas & case studies on how to become plastic free as a business. This will be an opportunity for you to network with other local businesses and make a pledge to reduce plastic across the borough.
Sign up via the Eventbrite link here.
We are looking for case studies: Do you have a story to share as a business that has reduced their plastic use/consumption? Want to share it at the event? Email aimee.brough@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk to get involved.
What is Plastic Free July?
Plastic Free July is a global movement launched by the Plastic Free Foundation. The organisation encourages people worldwide to rethink their relationship to single-use plastic and improve their recycling habits. In short, the movement is all about making you part of the plastic pollution solution.
“Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.”
Do you need advice and support for your Wandsworth business? Wandsworth Council has partnered with the London Business Hub to provide free 1-1 expert advice to start, sustain and grow your business. Book your free session here.