Transform your social media marketing strategy
Delivered by London Business Hub, this free webinar will help you optimise your social media marketing strategy in order to attract new and existing customers, as well as create new business opportunities.
Social media expert Zoe Cairns, founder of ZC Social Media, will teach you how to start a social media campaign, create online content, engage with your target audience and evaluate your campaign’s effectiveness.
You will leave the workshop knowing:
- How to develop an effective social media strategy
- Your customers and target market on social media
- How to build your online community and scope out key priorities
- What engaging content to use for major social platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Techniques to utilise key social media management tools to help manage your resources effectively
- Opportunities to build an advanced LinkedIn profile and maximise your LinkedIn company profile
- Strategies and techniques used to engage with influencers
- Crucial elements to effectively utilise analytics to improve results
To find out more and book your free place, click here.
Do you need advice and support for your Wandsworth business? Wandsworth Council has partnered with the London Business Hub to provide free 1-1 expert advice to start, sustain and grow your business. Book your free session here.