When did you launch your business, and who are the key people behind it?

I launched my business in 2022, the key people behind it are my mother and I.


Tell us a bit about your heritage – where do your roots lie, and when did your family come to the UK?

My heritage is Jamaican and Guyanese. My nan came to the UK back in 1957 and my mother was born in the UK.


Does entrepreneurship run in your family?

Yes, entrepreneurship runs in my family, ranging from real estate to construction.


How has your cultural background and heritage influenced the vision and values of your business?

How my cultural background and heritage has influenced my vision and values of my business, is by being motivating, resilient and always wanting to be successful.


What inspired you to start the business when you did?

I have always had the desire to help people but was not sure how or what it entailed. I did not actually plan to have a business at that time, as I had studied to do something completely different during lock down, I saw the opportunity and decided to take it at that time, I have worked with in the hair and beauty industry for over 10 years, so I have some knowledge within the industry.


What have been three of the most challenging aspects of running a business?

The three most challenging aspects have been, recruitment, business support and landlord support.


What does Black History Month mean to you?

It is recognition of all the ethnic minorities and how hard they have worked to make Britain such an amazing country it is today. All their efforts need to be recognised.


If you had the opportunity to do it all again, what would you do differently?

I would have started on my own, without staff, to build awareness and clientele, renting a room rather than buying a salon on the high street.


What three tips would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Take your time, do your research and remember to protect your mental health.


What impact do you hope your business will have on future generations, and how do you envision it contributing to the broader narrative of Black entrepreneurship?

My business would be to help people maintain self-confidence, look beautiful and stay healthy.


Finish this sentence enjoy being based in Wandsworth because… 

I was born and bred here!


How can people connect with you and learn more about your business?

Firstly, come down to the salon and say hi and possibly get a treatment done, we are on all social media platforms, and you can visit our website.