Angel Investment Network 

What offer is 

Investment platform with over 225,000 registered investors.  Investors consist of individuals, family offices and venture funds and are usually current or former business owners themselves.

Who is it aimed at 

Take pre-revenue, pre-profit and profit generating businesses.  For pre-revenue you need to have a proven concept – i.e. have attracted customer interest or proven the product ‘works’ and be able to demonstrate your business.  Idea stage businesses are not typically considered.


They consider different types of project including debt deals, franchises, real estate, equity.

Amount loaned up to 

Usually invest between £10,000-£500,000 although due to syndication deals of up to two million are becoming more common.  Angels cannot take more than 30% equity in your business.

Apprenticeship Grant

What offer is
Grant to support training of apprentices.

Who is it aimed at
Businesses and organisations of all sizes

Need to be taking on an apprentice.

Amount of grant
If you do not pay an apprenticeship levy (i.e. do not have a pay bill of over 3 million) you get 95% towards the cost of training and assessing your apprentice.If you pay the apprenticeship levy (i.e. have a pay bill over 3 million) you get funds for cost of training and assessing, and the government will add 10%.

Architectural Heritage Fund

What offer is 

In England the offer is called Transforming Places through Heritage.

Who is it aimed at 

Focuses on places where strategic regeneration programmes are planned or are already underway.


Must be a not-for-private-profit organisation.

Your project must involve a heritage building located in a high street or town centre in England.

The location must be the focus of a wider strategy or initiative which aims to revitalise the high street or town centre – a place based initiative (rather than a standalone project).

Amount of grant/loan 


Project Viability Grants – up to £15,000 for early viability and feasibility work.

Project Development Grants – up to £100,000 for capital project development costs.

Crowdfunding Challenge Grants – up to £25,000 to match fund crowdfunding campaigns.

Transformational Project Grants – up to £350,000 for transformational capital projects.


Heritage Impact Fund –

£25,000-£500,000 for projects that will deliver enhanced local economic and community impact as well as providing sustainable use of a historic building for future generations.

General Funds

Architectural Heritage Fund also offers loans for purposes which are not eligible for Heritage Impact Fund.These include projects which may require longer term finance or demonstrate less community benefit than is required to access HIF funding e.g. providing affordable housing or a community space. Can also provide loans from £20,000 up to £1m through endowment funds.

Arts & Culture Impact Fund 

Who is it aimed at 

Arts, culture and heritage social enterprises in the UK.


Your organisation’s primary activity is in arts, culture and heritage.Your organisation is registered and operating in the UK.Your organisation has a clear social mission, reflected in its structure and governance.Your organisation is able to demonstrate measurable social impact on individuals or communities in the UK.

Amount loaned up to 

Between £150,000 and £1 million

Who is it aimed at

Start-ups and established businesses


Businesses looking for growth and with a clear plan to give a return on investment.

Notes  Investment window is 2020 – 2023

Arts Council

What offer is 

Open Access Programme – grant funding to deliver projectsDeveloping your creative practice – Grant funding for research and development opportunities, building new networks, creating new work.

Who is it aimed at 

See criteria


For Open Access Programme (National Lottery Project Grants) – Individuals, artists, organisations, museums and libraries.Must be working in area of creative media, festival and carnival, libraries, literature, museums and music.Developing your creative practice fund – Individual artists and/or creative practitioners. Supports activity focussed on music, theatre, dance, visual arts, literature, combined arts, museums practice.This covers dancers, choreographers, writers, translators, producers, publishers, editors, musicians, conductors, composers, actors, directors, designers, artists, craft makers and curators.Activities can be up to one year in length.

Amount loaned up to 

Open Access Programme – £1000-100,000 Developing your creative practice fund – £2000-£10000


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, until April 2021, the National Lottery Project Grants will focus on the needs of smaller independent organisations and individual practitioners.Developing your creative practice fund is currently suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic* There is information on other sources of funding on the website.

Better Business Finance

What offer is 

A search engine that provides UK businesses with free, quick and easy access to a directory of approved finance providers, including business angels: regional funds and government schemes; and banks across Britain.Also lots of business support information.


Can be start up, growing, established or succession planning.

Amount of loans/grants up to

Up to £20 million

Big Issue Invest 

What offer is 

Loan funding

Who is it aimed at 

Social enterprises, charities or Community Benefit Societies.


Corporate Social Venturing (CSV) programme – need to be early stage.Need to work with the social outcome objectives of health and well-being, financial inclusion and education, employment and training.Impact Loans England – Aimed at smaller social enterprises with track record of trading.Must be based in England.Social Enterprise Investment Fund II – need to be high growth social enterprise or charity with proven business model.Outcomes Investment Fund – need to be charity or social enterprise delivering payment by results contracts in the public sector.

Amount loaned up to £20,000-3 million (subject to what scheme you apply to)


In the past have supported early stage social businesses, smaller social enterprises and community organisations and charities involved in renovating empty homes or buildings and providing affordable housing. Big Issue Invest was born out of a social enterprise.

Business Rates Relief

What offer is 

There are several core types of business rates relief which can reduce or even exempt your business from paying business rates including small business rate relief, retail discount, hardship relief, enterprise zone relief, charitable relief and rural rate relief.0-100% reduction in business rates possible. Varies Council to Council. Approach your Council to see if you qualify.I f you do not qualify you can also look at appealing against your ratable value with the Valuation Office Agency.Go to

Who is it aimed at 

All businesses subject to business rates


Depends on scheme

Amount granted

Up to 100% of business rate bill

Calculus Capital 

What offer is 


Who is it aimed at 

Small and medium sized established businesses wishing to grow.


Typically invest in privately held companies with the following characteristics:

  • Entrepreneurial businesses with strong growth prospects
  • Strong management team with a relevant track record who are motivated to work with an institutional investor to create substantial shareholder value
  • A clear implementation strategy
  • A strategy for realisation of shareholder value

Invest across all sectors.

Amount loaned up to 

Typically invest between £2 million and £5 million in entrepreneurial fast growing businesses.



Crack It Challenges

What offer is 

Series of grants in the form of challenges.Can apply for single or double phase challenges.Funding comes from National Centre For Education Research (NCER)

Who is it aimed at

Support partnership between industry, academics and SMEs in solving business and scientific challenges, whilst delivering economic benefit, either by improving business processes or developing a commercial product.


Open to any EU body both public and private

Applicants may already hold funding from NCER or other funding for which new funding is being sought.

Amount of grant

Single phase – £100,000 for up to one year. Double phase – £100,000 to £1 million for up to 3 years.Business Growth Scheme – for successful applicants who need additional funding (up to £50,000).

Crowd Cube 

What offer is 

Equity finance and mini-bond platform.

Who is it aimed at 

Early stage start-ups and established businesses.They cover four sectors – Consumer goods, Consumer internet, Food and Beverage and Fintech.


Need to have companies house number. They will also review financial history.

Amount loaned up to 

£50,000 plus.The largest so far has been ten million.

Cultural Impact Development Fund

What offer is

Loan to help socially driven arts and culture organisations improve the quality of their impact and evaluation.

Who is it aimed at

Arts and cultural venues, museums, libraries and archives, non-venue based organisations (e.g touring organisations, production companies, festivals etc), sector support organisations (e.g development agencies, workspace providers, cultural education organisations).


Must work in the area of architecture, combined arts, crafts, creative technology, dance, fashion design, film and broadcasting, graphic design, heritage, literature, museum, library or archive, music, sector support organisation, theatre and performance, visual arts, workspace provider.Must also have a clear social mission e.g. charities, community interest companies and community benefit societies with a clear social purpose.Incorporated entities such as companies limited by shares will be considered based on the strength of their social mission and whether the majority of their profit will be reinvested into that mission.Need to work with people and communities who fall within – long term unemployed, homeless, the poor/financially excluded, addiction, long term health conditions, life threatening or terminal illness, learning disabilities, mental health needs, physical disabilities or sensory impairments, voluntary carers, vulnerable parents or children, vulnerable young people and NEETs, older people, ex/offenders, victims of crime or abuse.

However if you do not fulfil criteria above you can contact them to discuss.

Amount loaned up to 

Between £25,000 and £150,000

Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG)

What offer is 

Government scheme to help viable smaller businesses that have adequate security. EFG provides the lender with 75% government-backed guarantee against the balance of the loan, potentially allowing a ‘no’ decision to become a ‘yes’.

Who is it aimed at 

Small businesses in the UK.


Be UK based with turnover of no more than £41 million per annum

Have sound borrowing proposal but insufficient security to meet normal borrowing requirements

Operate within an eligible sector (a very small number are not eligible)

Must not have had state aid beyond 200,000 euros in current and previous two fiscal years.

Amount loaned up to

The scheme allows people to borrow £1000 – £1.2 million, although individual participating lenders may set their amounts.


Some high street banks mentioned below participate in this scheme. They will assess you to see if they can offer you a loan on their normal commercial terms. If not, they may consider you for support via EFG. There are 40+ EFG accredited lenders.

Fuel Ventures 

What offer is 

Venture capital company offering investment 

Who is it aimed at

Early stage technology businesses

Amount loaned up to 

Between £250,000 and £2 million

Funding Circle 

What offer is 

Peer to peer (P2P) funding

Who is it aimed at 

Established businesses


  • UK-based business that’s been adversely affected by coronavirus
  • Turnover of up to £45 million
  • Minimum 3 years of trading history
  • Over 50% of turnover from trading activity (e.g. not from investments)
  • Loan is for business purposes
  • Loan is primarily for trading in the UK

Only available to limited companies at the moment.

Amount loaned up to 

Unsecured loans of up to £250,000.


*Currently focusing on providing Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans

Funding Options 

What offer is 

Peer to peer (P2P) loans, invoice finance deals, growth funding, equipment leases and commercial mortgages.  You put in your requirements and then you are matched to 70+ lenders.

Who is it aimed at 

Established businesses who have been unsuccessful with the major banks.

Amount loaned up to 

As a rule of thumb, the maximum most providers will lend is about 10-30% of your annual turnover.

High Street Banks – Barclays

What offer is 

Business Accounts, credit cards, overdrafts and loans.Also offer commercial mortgages, asset finance and invoice finance.Foreign currency account – reduces exposure to exchange rate fluctuations and simplifies international payments whether importing or exporting.Offers EFG loans – see below.

Who is it aimed at 

Businesses of all sizes


Start-up Business account – for start ups

Business Account – turnover up to £400,000

Business Account – turnover £400,000-6.5 million

Community Account – free banking for small not-for-profit organisations

Amount loaned up to 

Fixed or variable rate unsecured loan up to £25,000.

Fixed unsecured loan up to £100,000. 

Green loans of up to £5 million to fund energy or sustainable projects.

EFG loans – £25001 – £1,200,000 depending on length of repayment.

High Street Banks – HSBC

What offer is 

Business Accounts, credit cards, overdrafts and loans.  Also offer commercial mortgages, asset finance and invoice finance.

Foreign currency account.

Offers EFG loans – see below.

Who is it aimed at 

Businesses of all sizes


Business account for start-ups – for those with a turnover of under £2 million

Large business account – for businesses with a turnover of £2 million or more.

Amount loaned up to 

Small Business Loan – £1,000-£25,000.

Flexible Business Loan – can borrow over £25,000.

EFG loan – £10,000-£1,200,000

High Street Banks – Metro Bank

What offer is 

Business Account, credit card, overdraft, loans, asset and invoice finance.  EFG loan.

Who is it aimed at 

Accounts, asset and invoice finance – businesses large and small.

Loans – usually businesses with security and larger turnover.


For loans need to have business bank account with them and will probably need some security.

Loans are generally available for customers with over £2 million in turnover although they consider exceptions.

Amount loaned up to 

Small Business Loan – £2,500 – £25,000, fixed rate.

Business Loan – over £25,000, rate tailored to that loan.

EFG loan – £25,000-£1,200,000

High Street Banks – Monzo

What offer is 

Basic business bank account – can put money into pots e.g tax, insurance etc.  Can also give other people access to the account.

Are developing account to offer more in the future.  At the moment do not offer loans but are working with Funding Xchange to connect customers to multiple lenders.


You can open a business account if you’re:

  • A sole trader or a registered limited company by shares (ltd)
  • Based in the UK, and

If you’re a LTD, to be eligible your company needs to:

  • Have an active status on Companies House
  • Have an active company director on Companies House
  • Have at least one person of significant control on Companies House
  • Have no corporate persons of significant control or corporate directors
  • Make money mostly from selling goods and/or providing services, not mostly from interest or investment income
  • Be a tax resident in the UK, and no other countries.


Currently can’t support (but may in the future):

  • Partnerships, including Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
  • Limited companies by guarantee
  • Charities
  • Community interest company (CIC)
  • Public Limited companies (PLC)
  • Clubs or other non-registered organisations
  • Trusts or funds
  • Other registered business types, like an unlimited company (Unltd), industrial and provident society (IPS) or Royal Charter (RC).
High Street Banks – NatWest 

What offer is 

Business Account (including credit card and overdraft).  Also loans.


Business Account – need to have been trading for over a year. If your business has a turnover of over £2 million, you’ll get a personalised service, local knowledge and access to specialist products and services.

Start-up Account – available for businesses that have been trading for less than a year and have a turnover of less than £1 million.

Loans – application will be assessed.  For Small Business Loan / Arranged Business Overdraft must have a NatWest business account.

Amount loaned up to 

Small Business Loan – from £1000 to £50,000, fixed rate.  Arranged Business Overdraft – up to £50,000 (unsecured).  Larger Business Fixed Rate Loan – £25,001 to £10 million.  Larger Business Variable Rate Loan – from £25,001 or above. Real Estate Finance – from £50,000 upwards. 

Social and Community Capital – loan of £30,000-£750,000 for social enterprises and community businesses who do not qualify for mainstream loans.

Invoice Finance, Asset Finance, Rapid Cash are all also available.


High Street Banks – Novuna

What offer is 

Business loans for Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Limited Company or PLC.

Release of up to 90% of unpaid invoices for all SMEs within 24 hours.  Remaining amount released once your customer settles their invoice.  Cost based on a percentage of turnover – you need to contact them for a quote.

Asset purchase loan to invest in new equipment without tying up capital. 

Franchise finance -for those interested in a franchise. 

Who is it aimed at 

Support new start micro businesses to more established corporate businesses. Also those wanting to borrow money to take on a franchise.


Business loans – Must be trading for 3+ years. 

Asset Purchase Loan – must be trading for 3+ years. 

Amount loaned up to 

Business loan – £5000-£50,000. 

Asset Finance Loan – £10,000 -£500,000. 

Franchise finance – £5000 – £500,000.  They prepare finance proposal and arrange finance. 

Horizon 2020

What offer is

EU funded two year grant programme covering specific areas.  Puts out funding opportunities on website.

Who is it aimed at 

Focused on technology and science


For SMEs (less than 250 employees or turnover of no more than 50 million)

Some opportunities ask for team of at least three partners.

Amount of grant 

Has nearly 80 billion available over 7 years (2014-2020)

Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

What offer is 

Do calls for funding or calls for proposals.  Funding comes from EU taxpayers and the pharmaceutical industry.

Who is it aimed at 

IMI funding supports the participation in its projects of organisations like universities, research organisations, patient organisations, SMEs, and mid-sized companies.


  • Mainly fund biotech companies.  Also a few IT/data management companies and a few work in project management.
  • Projects are collaborative so need to have partners.  Must have a minimum of 3 partners based in 3 different EU member states or countries associated to the Horizon 2020 programme.
  • Micro-businesses, SMEs and other companies with an annual turnover of less than 500 million, the latter not to be affiliated entities of companies with an annual turnover of more than 500 million euros
  • Be established in the EU or countries associated to the Horizon 2020 programme.

Amount loaned up to 

No amount given


What offer is 

A crowdfunding platform where you set a target amount.  You cannot offer equity, revenue sharing or investment.

Who is it aimed at 

New creative projects.


Creative projects such as Art, Crafts, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film & Video, Photography, Publishing, Technology, and Theatre.

Amount loaned up to 

There is no limit to how much you can raise on Kickstarter.  However in general it is best to keep your funding goal on the low side (that is as long as it is still high enough to ensure you have ample funds to deliver your project.)

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

What offer is 

Creates three way collaboration between business/not for profit organisation and suitably qualified graduate to help realise innovation.  As well as the main programme, there is a new management KTP focussing on management based projects and linking you with one of the top business schools.

Who is it aimed at 

Businesses and not for profit organisations both large and small


Need to be UK registered and of sufficient size to support the project

Need to be able to make financial contribution required

Be able to show that the project demonstrates Impact, Innovation, Challenge and Cohesiveness.

Amount of grant 

Innovate UK or other government co-funders fund part of the cost in a competitive bid process (there is a success rate of around 90%).  The rest of the cost is met by cash payment from your company.  Project costs are variable but can typically be around £75,000-£90,000 per year.  For SMEs the grant rate is 67% of project cost and for large companies 50%.  The cost of a KTP is comparable to employing a well-qualified graduate but offers much more including:

Access to the resources of the university

A dedicated team including a highly experienced Knowledge Transfer Adviser

The wider support and opportunities offered by links to the Knowledge Transfer Network

London Small Business Centre 

What offer is 

Unsecured Government backed Start Up Loans

Who is it aimed at 

Start ups  


Aged 18 or over

Setting up in business or have been trading for less than two years

Business needs to be based in the UK

Amount loaned up to 

Between £500 and £25,000.  All owners or partners in a business can individually apply for up to £25,000 each.

New Enterprise Allowance

What offer is 

A grant fund dedicated to supporting people on certain benefits to start a business or develop a business if already self-employed.  Depending on your circumstances may provide business mentoring, a weekly allowance and the option of a start-up business loan

Who is it aimed at 

Those in receipt of certain benefits who either want to start their own business or want to develop a business they have already started.


Aged 18 or over

In receipt of any of these:  Universal Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support (if lone parent, sick or disabled).

Amount of grant/loan 

For those starting a business – Weekly allowance which is currently worth up to £1274 over 26 weeks.  Also can apply for start-up loan if required. (£500-£25,000)

For those developing a business (must be under 2 years old) if self-employed and receiving Universal Credit – can apply for start up loan  (£500-£25,000)

If disabled or have a health condition – may get extra support via Access to Work grant to enable you to carry out your business.

For Access to Work –

Start up loans

Oion (Oxford Investment Opportunity Network Ltd) 

What offer is 

Equity finance investment platform.  You register and they respond if they think you may be of interest to their investors. 

Who is it aimed at 

Start -ups and established businesses.  Particularly interested in businesses with high growth potential and scalable model.

Amount loaned up to 

£100,000 – two million 


You apply to them including a pitch and they decide whether their investors may be interested in your business.

Online Banks – Starling Bank 

What offer is 

Free and straight forward online business account with overdraftWebsite includes business talks from leading figures and entrepreneurs. 

Who is it aimed at 

Small businesses / contractors /freelancers that are a limited company.


Loan criteria (if already have a business current account)

  • Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership
  • Trading for more than 18 months
  • Have a good credit history
  • All directors are over 18 years old
  • All directors/partners must be willing to provide a personal guarantee

Amount loaned up to 

Flexible overdraft options.

Loans of £5000 to £250,000 to customers who already have a business current account.


*currently not accepting any applications for non-CBILS/BBLS loans.*

Online Banks – Triodos Bank 

What offer is 

Sustainable bank offering small and large loans.

Also crowdfunding platform for unsecured debt, bond and share offers between £250,000 and ten million.

Who is it aimed at 

Focuses its activities across three overarching themes: Environmental, Cultural and Social.

Crowdfunding – Typically Triodos work with existing businesses who have a track record and financial history with which they can appraise them.  However they will consider start-ups in some circumstances if there is clear visibility or better still contractual security over future income streams and cash flows. 


Lends to businesses and entrepreneurs from a variety of sectors all making positive impact.

Triodos Bank supports businesses who they judge are providing positive social or environmental change and you will need to evidence this.  Lend to organisations of all sizes including charities, social enterprises and environmental projects.

Amount loaned up to 

Small Loans – £100,000 to £500,000.

Large loans – £500,000 to £20 million.

Patent Box Relief

What offer is 

Enables companies to apply a lower rate of corporation tax to profits.

Who is it aimed at 

Companies paying corporation tax who exploit patented invention and innovations.


Must be liable for corporation tax and make a profit from exploiting patent inventions.

Must own or have exclusively licenced-in the patents.

Must have undertaken qualifying development on the patent.

Patent must have been granted by the UK Intellectual property office, the European Patent Office or a number of countries listed on website.

Amount of grant 

Through Patent Box you can claim up to 50% of your corporation tax bill.  In practice though, it is closer to just under 40% for most.

Plug-in grant

What offer is 

Grant funding towards purchase of certain models of car, motorcycle, moped, van or taxi with low emissions.  Also grant towards up-front costs of purchase and installation of electric charging points for eligible businesses, charities and public sector organisations.  The aim is to make new lower emission vehicles as competitive in pricing as traditional models.


Grants for vehicles applies to individuals and businesses.  Grants for workplace chargers applies to businesses, charities and public sector organisations.

Amount of grant 

Cars – up to 35% of purchase price up to a maximum of £3000

Motorcycles – 20% of purchase price up to maximum of £1500

Mopeds – 20% of purchase price up to maximum of £1500

Vans – 20% of purchase price up to maximum of £8000

Taxis – 20% of purchase price up to maximum of £7500

Large vans and trucks – for first 200 orders 20% of purchase price up to maximum of £20,000.  After that up to 20% of purchase price up to maximum of £8000.

Electric charger – grant of 75% of installation cost up to a maximum of £350.


Princes Trust

What offer is 

Run free enterprise programme which offers Government backed start-up loans.  Also structured programme of support and mentoring.

Who is it aimed at 

Young entrepreneurs


Need to be aged 18-30

Amount loaned up to 

Up to £5000


Small start-up business grants are also available in special circumstances.

Research and Development Tax Credits

What offer is 

Supports science and tech companies to research and develop an advance in their field.

Who is it aimed at 



SME with less than 500 staff

Turnover of under 100 million euros or balance sheet total under 86 million euros.

Need to show how your project meets their definition of R&D. Need to explain how a project:

  • Looked for an advance in science and technology
  • Had to overcome uncertainty
  • Tried to overcome this uncertainty
  • Could not be easily worked out by a professional in the field

Amount of tax credit 

SMEs – Can deduct an extra 130% of qualifying costs from yearly profit as well as normal 100% deduction (so makes 230% deduction).

Can also claim a tax credit if the company is loss making, worth up to 14.5% of the surrenderable loss.

Responsible Finance 

What offer is 

Has a list of finance providers that provide loans.  All services are listed on their Finding Finance website. 

Who is it aimed at 

Start-ups and existing businesses, including social enterprises, not supported by other finance. 

Amount loaned up to 

Minimum is from 0- one million.

Sardison Capital

What offer is:

Access to a range of funding solutions, from business finance to property finance. They also have a range of business tools and templates that are completely free to use to help with building a strong finance application.

Who it is aimed at:

All businesses


Sardison Capital is one of the UK’s leading Business & Property finance brokers with access to a wide range of funding solutions. With over 20 years experience in the industry, we have amassed a strong and reliable panel of funders that provide finance to our clients throughout the UK. We pride ourselves on providing a fast and professional service, while being able to give all our clients access to a range of Free tools and templates to help build a strong and successful finance application.

Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS)

What offer is 

This is a scheme which encourages investors to invest in UK companies. You need to apply to HMRC to get SEIS status. SEIS allows investors to claim back up to 78% of their investment in the first year (up to £150,000) currently. Many professional investors and business angel now require SEIS status at angel stage.

Who is it aimed at 

Small and early stage start-up businesses in the UK.


Need to be established in the UK

Not have assets of more than £200,000 when shares are issued

Not have more than 25 employees when shares are issued

Amount loaned up to

A company can raise no more than £150,000 in total via SEIS investment.


What offer is

Equity finance platform 

Who is it aimed at

Are generally the first capital into the majority of their companies.  Will consider pre-revenue, pre-launch, launch and post revenue companies.


Tech business.

Amount loaned up to 

Will lead first investment with cheque of £100,000 for 7.5% equity.  Will co-invest in seed rounds of up to two million as long as you have a lead investor.



What offer is 

Equity crowdfunding platform which supports you through the entire journey, from campaign creation to and documentation.

Who is it aimed at 

Consider pre-launch (after initial funding has been put in personally or by angel investors and you are now looking for further funding), start-ups, established businesses.


Business and community must be based full time in EU, EEA or Switzerland.

Target raise should be over £/€50,000.

Also consider a number of other factors when reviewing a company’s application, including (but not limited to):

  • Website quality
  • Brand identity
  • User and customer engagement
  • Experience of founders and management team
  • Products, services and market
  • Customer base and demographics
  • Fundraising needs
  • Offering terms
  • Financial health

Amount loaned up to 

Target raise should be over £50,000.  If you are looking to raise below this amount you can consider their partner, Kickstarter (listed above). 


Have an alumni programme which provides events and ongoing support for past Seedrs participants.  

Smart grants (Innovate UK)

What offer is 

Grant funding. Regular competitions are run where businesses can apply for a grant with their innovation projects.

Who is it aimed at 

Businesses with game-changing and disruptive ideas. Not limited to a particular industry or technology area.


Must have an idea for a completely new product, service or process. Or a brand new use or unprecedented use for an existing product, service or process that takes it above and beyond what is currently available.

Can be at:

Feasibility stage – seeing if an idea could work

Development stage – actually developing a new product, process or service

Industrial research stage – if improving on existing products, processes or services

Amount of grant

Amount may vary per competition.  Last competition which closed in May 2019 gave:

Feasibility studies & industrial research

Small business – up to 70%

Medium business-up to 60%

Large business-up to 50%

Experimental development projects

Small business-up to 45%

Medium business-up to 35%

Large business-up to 25%

Start Up Loans

What offer is

A Start Up Loan is a government-backed personal loan of up to £25,000, available to individuals looking to start or grow a business in the UK. In addition to finance, successful applicants will also receive 12 months of free mentoring.

Who is it aimed at

Start-ups or early stage businesses.


  • Be aged 18 or over
  • Live in the UK
  • Have a business which is not yet trading or has been trading for less than 2 years
  • Unable to secure finance from other sources (self-declaration is ok)

Amount loaned up to

Can borrow £500 – £25,000 per co-founder. All owners or partners in a business can individually apply for up to £25,000 each, with a maximum of £100,000 available per business.


Delivery partners of the Start Up Loan scheme include: Virgin StartUp, Prince’s Trust, Finance for Enterprise and more. The full list is available here:



What offer is

Funding and support.  Support with product, model and proposition, sales and distribution.

Who is it aimed at 

Seed stage businesses. Focus exclusively on B2B software businesses, including areas like SaaS, AI and cyber security.


Seed stage business

A working B2B Saas/AI product

Evidence of commercial traction

A base in the UK or plan to enter the UK market. 

Ambition for rapid progression from Seed stage to Series A.

Amount loaned up to 

Typically between £100,000-£500,000. Aim to enable businesses to get to their first £1m in revenue. 


Founders are experienced software entrepreneurs.

Syndicate Room 

What offer is 

Investment fund providing multi sector investments.

Who is it aimed at 

Only work with early stage start-ups – this could be from idea stage


Disruptive start-ups with high growth potential. 

UK based.

Amount loaned up to 

Funding rounds are between £400,000 and £5 million


Co-invest alongside top-performing angels.

Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP)

What offer is 

Grant funding for eligible businesses towards the costs of exhibiting at overseas trade shows. 

Who is it aimed at 

SMEs – exporting or thinking about exporting from the UK


Must be either:

  • An SME with less than 250 employees, annual turnover not exceeding €50 million or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43 million.
  • A business or organisation with less than 250 employees and an annual turnover of between £83,000 and £5 million.
  • A UK University, UK government-funded centre of higher or further learning or UK government-funded research organisation.

In addition you must:

  • Be based in the UK
  • Be either
    • Actively investigating export opportunities for your own business having not previously exported
    • Already involved in exporting from the UK and wishing to grow exports
  • Be within the State Aid limit of €200,000 over any rolling 3-year period
  • Not receive any other contributions towards eligible costs which the grant you are applying for will offset in relation to participation at the TAP supported event
  • Not have been fully committed to attend the event prior to seeking the grant

Must also be able to demonstrate that you are either:

  • Selling products or services which substantially originate from the UK
  • Adding significant value to a product or service of non-UK origin, and there are associated economic benefits to the UK.

Amount of grant


Maximum number of 6 grants per organisation.


Applications must be made 8 weeks before the start of the event.

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

What offer is 

Medium sized grant-making foundation which gives grants to small, well-established organisations which address local issues. Grants for running costs or one-off capital costs to charities and not-for-profit organisations.

Who is it aimed at 

Small well-established charitable and not for profit organisations.


Support small charitable and not-for-profit organisations within the UK with an annual income under £500,000 who work in the most deprived urban areas or the most remote and socio-economically deprived rural areas.

For  ‘urban’ areas, postcode must be ranked with the most deprived 50% of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).

For ‘rural’ areas, postcode must be ranked within the most deprived 15% of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).

Within these overarching themes they support projects which fall under the broader headings of community support, arts, education and heritage.

Amount of grant

Give grants for running costs or one off capital costs.

Major capital – £10,000-£60,000.  Total project must be under 2 million and you have to have already secured 50% of funding.

Major revenue – £7500-£20,000 for a single year or for up to 3 years.  You can apply for 50% of the cost of a salary or annual running costs.  Do not need to have secured remaining 50% but must show you have a feasible plan for raising rest of costs.

Small grants – £2000-£7500 for one year only.  Could be for 50% of work/salary/running costs.


*Grant programmes have been temporarily suspended while Trustees review the strategic direction. They hope to reopen programmes in Autumn 2020.*


What offer is 

Grant funding and loans for social enterprises to start up or scale up.

Who is it aimed at 

Social entrepreneurs providing solutions to any issues. Also social entrepreneurs working in their focus areas. These areas are building access to employment, resilient communities and solutions for an ageing society.


Starting Up fund – can be at idea stage or in practice already.

  • Aged 16 or over
  • Living in the UK
  • Willing to participate in a learning experience
  • Working for the benefit of others in the UK

For scaling up funds


Have two application opportunities – one for those in area of increasing access to employment and another for those in area of solutions to an ageing society.

Need to be based and delivering impact in the UK.

Must be a social purpose organisation with a commitment to delivering social impact in this area.

Need to typically have a trading and social impact record of 2 years.

Must be able to commit to the 6-month programme.

Need at least one member of staff working full time on the business.

UnLtd Impact Fund

Must be working in area of improving access to employment

Based in England.

Must be incorporated voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation.

Typically have been operating for 21 months.

Have a trading and social impact track record.

Amount loaned up to 

Starting Up funds – grant of£500-£15,000 plus tailored support.

The following are available:

Try It award – up to £500

Do it award – up to £5000

Grow it award – up to £15,000.Need to be committed to working full time on your venture.

Scaling Up funds

Thrive – access to consultant and bespoke support for 6 months with opportunity to secure up to £50,000 loan.

UnLtd Impact Fund – Blend of grant and loan from £50,000-£150,000 alongside tailored one to one support.


Over the next three years they have some particular areas of focus:

  • Building access to employment
  • Resilient communities (supporting your local community in some way)
  • Solutions for an ageing society

Programmes are:

Transforming Ageing – businesses have been funded already and this programme is running at the moment.

East End Connect – applicants apply through Do It or Thrive (supporting employment and business in the east end).

Spaces 4 Change – not yet running.Will be funding up to £5000 each for young social entrepreneurs (16-24) with ideas to unlock unused or under-utilised space.

Closing the disability employment gap – Apply to Do It award or Grow it award.

Resilient Communities

Venture Capital Schemes (HMRC)

What offer is 

These are schemes which help SMEs or social enterprises grow by attracting investment. Offer tax reliefs for individuals who buy or hold new shares, bonds or assets for a specific period of time. Both the company and investor must meet the conditions for each scheme.  There are four schemes:

All four schemes have the following conditions for the company/investment:

Must have a permanent establishment in the UK

Must carry out a trade that qualifies (see for a list of exceptions)

Must plan to spend the investment on a qualifying trade

Must not be listed on a recognised stock exchange at the time of investment

Must not be controlled by another company

Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) – company may qualify at the time of investment if it has:

  • No more than £15 million in gross assets
  • Less than 250 employees
  • Been more than 7 years since its first commercial sale

Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) – company may qualify if it is less than 2 years old and at the time of investment has:

  • No more than £200,000 in gross assets
  • Less than 25 employees
  • Not previously carried out a different trade
  • Not previously had investment through EIS or VCT

Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) – your social enterprise must:

  • Be either a registered charity, community interest company or community benefit society
  • Have no more than £15 million in gross assets
  • Have fewer than 250 employees

Venture Capital Trust (VCT) (A VCT is a company that has been approved by HMRC and invest in, or lends money to, unlisted companies). A VCT may invest in your company if it has:

  • No more than £15 million in gross assets
  • Less than 250 employees
  • Not been more than 7 years since its first commercial sale.

Who is it aimed at 

There are limits on the money that can be raised depending on the scheme.

SEIS investments: £150,000

SITR investments: £1.5 million

EIS and VCT investments: £12 million.

There may be higher limits if your company carries out research, development or innovation.


Virgin Startup is a not-for-profit company, that helps founders and future founders start, fund and scale the businesses they’re passionate about.

Virgin Startup, which was founded by Richard Branson, provides access to early-stage funding through the Start Up Loans programme, one-to-one mentoring, advice, guidance, free events and training courses, for a community of founders across the UK.

Virgin StartUp have helped thousands of early stage founders get their businesses off the ground, and in the process have given out over £40m in Loan funding.

Wandsworth Grant Fund 

What offer is 

Grants of up to £10,000 for community and voluntary sector organisations in the borough to undertake activities for up to 12 months. 

Who is it aimed at 

Voluntary and Community organisations.

Aim to support projects under six themes:

  1. Arts and culture
  2. Environment and attractive neighbourhoods
  3. Children and young people
  4. Citizenship and civic engagement
  5. Achieving aspirations and potential
  6. Health and wellbeing

Also seeking applications through 2020/21 for an additional theme: Recovering from the impact of COVID-19.


Do not need to be based in Wandsworth but project must be benefiting Wandsworth residents and it would be normally expected that activity would be carried out in Wandsworth.  Although national organisations can be considered the above applies.

Must be not for profit organisations although it is acceptable to show that surpluses have been put back in the organisation.

Must be companies limited by guarantee or charitable organisation.

Match funding may be required – see amount of grant for details

Can make one application within the year.

Amount of grant


Small grant – Up to £1000 – no match funding required.

Intermediate grant – £1001- £5000.  A minimum of 10% match funding is required.

Large grant – £5001-£10,000.  A minimum of 25% match funding is required.

Match funding can be in the form of other grants, cash from your own organisation, sponsorship and ‘in-kind’ donations, rent discounts, donated professional time and volunteer time. Volunteer time should be ‘valued’ by considering what you would pay someone to undertake the different roles your volunteers undertake and the time they put into the project.


There are three application deadlines during the year with awards being announced about three months later. 

*In addition to usual six project themes, also seeking applications through 2020/21 from organisations that will directly help to support communities through their journey to recovery following the COVID-19 crisis.*